Change the time zone for a date field in an existing hosted table in ArcGIS Online

Last Published: March 25, 2022


When publishing a hosted table to ArcGIS Online from ArcGIS Pro, the time zone can be set on the date field. In some instances, when the data are transferred to another organization that is in a different time zone, the data must match with the specific time zone. This article highlights the workflow to change the time zone for a date field in an existing hosted table in ArcGIS Online.


Complete the steps below to change the time zone on the date field in ArcGIS Online.

To access the content from the ArcGIS Online portal, sign in with an organizational account. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Sign in to access content from a portal for more information.
  1. Open the hosted table in ArcGIS Pro.
    1. In ArcGIS Pro, navigate to the Catalog pane.
    2. On the Catalog pane, select Portal > My Content.
    3. Under My Content, select the desired table layer. This article uses book2 as an example.
    4. Drag and drop the table layer into the Contents pane.
Select the desired table from My Content
To ensure that no data are incorrectly deleted, import the table into a file geodatabase before overwriting the data.
  1. Convert the table into a file geodatabase.
    1. In the Catalog pane, select Project > Databases.
    2. Right-click the project and select Import > Table.
    3. On the Table To Table pane, under Parameters, select the table from Step 1 for Input Rows (book2) and fill in a name for Output Name. In this example, the output table is named stop_date.
Select the table for Input Rows and name the table for Output Name in the Table To Table pane
  1. Click Run. A new table is added to the Contents pane.
  1. Overwrite the table in ArcGIS Online.
When overwriting the table, all of its associated data are lost, including any changes made after the table was initially published. This may affect existing users using this table by changing available fields.
  1. Right-click the output table from Step 2 (stop_date).
  2. Select Sharing > Overwrite Table.
  3. On the Overwrite Table pane, select the hosted table and click OK.
  4. When prompted with the warning message, click OK.
  5. Click the Overwrite Table pane > Configuration.
  6. Click Configure Parameters. Under Time zone, select the desired time zone. Click Analyze then Publish.
Select the Time zone for the table and click Analyze then Publish
  1. Refresh ArcGIS Online Map Viewer.

The following image shows the dates are changed successfully.

The dates in the table are changed successfully
The item type may change from table to hosted feature layer. However, the item ID remains the same, and as such any applications or items linked to the data remain linked to the changed data.

Article ID: 000026302

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Pro 2 x

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