In Site Scan Manager for ArcGIS, Fleet Management is a repository of drone assets, personnel, and flight history. It is important for organizations to maintain a system of record of this data so drone program managers have an accurate understanding of flight activity, ensure pilot and aircraft regulatory compliance, and can provide records to auditors when requested.
All flights conducted in the Site Scan Flight for ArcGIS app are automatically captured and stored in fleet management. However, there are several reasons why flights may not be conducted in the Site Scan Flight app, and you may still want to include those flights in your organization’s fleet management system. For instance:
Using batch import, you can import aircraft, battery, and flight records to Site Scan’s fleet management.
While the batch import workflow includes steps for uploading aircraft, batteries, and flights, you do not need to upload all three entities at one time. You can skip any upload step along the way; for example, if you just need to upload flights, you can skip the aircraft and battery steps.
Below are some important considerations prior to importing data:
Refer to the CSV templates below for proper import data structure. An example row is included with each template. If you plan to copy your data to the template, remove the example row before saving and importing your CSV.
Preparing your CSV files is an important step for a smooth import process. Data that is not in the expected format or schema can cause errors during import. This section describes how to prepare your CSV files.
Each CSV template reflects the schema and an acceptable value option. Refer to the sections below for all value format options. You can either copy your data into the CSV templates, or refer to the CSV templates to modify your existing data to match the schema.
Field name | Required | Description | Format/example |
internalSerial | Yes (if no name field) | Typically the flight controller serial number that is created automatically by the drone flight software. It is not the serial number printed on the drone (see extSerial field). If your aircraft do not have flight controller serial numbers, you can omit this field. Must be unique. | |
name | Yes (if no internalSerial field) | Aircraft name. Must be unique. | |
extSerial | No | Printed serial number on the drone. Must be unique. | |
extModel | No | Drone manufacturer and model. | See note below the table. |
status | No | Identifies the drone as active or retired. Status field is not currently shown in fleet management but will be added in the future. Blank values will default to Active. |
purchaseDate | No | Date the drone was purchased or acquired by your organization. |
flightTimeAdj | No | Total flight time in minutes. Only use this field for drones whose flights will not be imported. If importing prior flights with associated drones, the flight hours will automatically be added to the drone without the need to add the time adjustment here. Blank values will default to zero. |
notes | No | Short description or additional information about the aircraft. | |
customId | No | Any unique string identifier that can be utilized as a matching key during the flight matching step. For example, some other fleet management systems have a drone ID string on their export of both the drone file and the flight file, which references a drone via the drone ID string. In such cases, add the ID string in this field to make the association. |
Note on extModel: It is strongly recommended that drones supported by Site Scan Flight are flown with the app and not imported to fleet management manually. Flying with the app will automatically create an aircraft profile for flights to be associated with. If you have a drone but do not plan to fly it in the flight app (for example, if the drone is retired), enter a corresponding aircraft make and model code from the list below rather than typing the aircraft make and model:
Field name | Required | Description | Format/example |
internalSerial | Yes (if no name field) | Typically the battery's flight controller serial number that is created automatically by the drone flight software. It is not the serial number printed on the battery (see extSerial field). If your batteries do not have flight controller serial numbers, you can omit this field. Must be unique. | |
name | Yes (if no internalSerial field) | Battery name. Must be unique. | |
extSerial | No | Printed serial number on the battery. Must be unique. | |
status | No | Identifies the battery as active or retired. Status field is not currently shown in fleet management but will be added in the future. Blank values will default to Active. |
purchaseDate | No | Date the battery was purchased or acquired by your organization. |
flightTimeAdj | No | Total flight time in minutes. Only use this field for batteries whose flights will not be imported. If importing prior flights with associated batteries, the flight hours will automatically be added to the battery without the need to add the time adjustment here. Blank values will default to zero. |
notes | No | Short description or additional information about the battery. | |
customId | No | Any unique string identifier that can be utilized as a matching key during the flight matching step. For example, some other fleet management systems have a battery ID string on their export of both the battery file and the flight file, which references a battery via the ID string. In such cases, add the ID string in this field to make the association. |
Field name | Required | Description | Format/example |
takeoffTime | Yes | Day and time the drone took off. |
landingTime | Yes (if no duration) | Day and time the drone landed. | see takeoffTime |
duration | Yes (if no landingTime) | Flight duration. If landingTime exists, leave blank. |
pilot | Yes | Pilot name. Refer to section titled How matching works for pilots for more information on how this field is used. | |
aircraft | Yes | Unique identifier for the aircraft. Should match with internalSerial, extSerial, or customId. Refer to section titled How matching works for aircraft and batteries for more information on how this field is used. | |
timezone | No | IANA zone identifier. Use the TZ database name field. Defaults to browser timezone if left blank. |
takeoffLat | No (required if you want weather data to be applied to the flight) | Takeoff latitude as a decimal. Must import with takeoffLong to create a coordinate pair. |
takeoffLong | No (required if you want weather data to be applied to the flight) | Takeoff longitude as a decimal. Must import with takeoffLat to create a coordinate pair. |
landingLat | No | Landing latitude as a decimal. Must import with landingLong to create a coordinate pair. | See takeoffLat |
landingLong | No | Landing longitude as a decimal. Must import with landingLat to create a coordinate pair. | See takeoffLong |
firmware | No | Drone firmware version used during the flight. |
battery | No | Unique identifier for the battery. Should match with internalSerial, extSerial, or customId. Refer to section titled How matching works for aircraft and batteries for more information on how this field is used. Currently a flight can only reference one battery. | |
notes | No | Short description or additional information about the flight. |
You can upload one CSV for aircraft, battery, and flight steps. You do not need to upload a CSV for all three; for example, if you only need to import flights, skip to step 4 of the workflow and upload a flight CSV.
Upon upload, the CSV contents are displayed in a formatted table. Errors or warnings may appear above the table to inform you if values that are formatted incorrectly, or duplicates are detected. If you encounter errors, refer to the prior sections of this documentation to correct value and header formats.
Site Scan only will import fields listed in the CSV templates. Any additional fields, or fields that do not match the template field headers, are discarded upon upload.
To import data to fleet management, follow the steps below. You must be a Fleet Manager to import fleet data. Fleet Managers can view the Dashboard panel of fleet management. Contact your Site Scan administrator with questions about your fleet permission.
All flights require a matched aircraft. If your flights CSV includes the optional battery field, you can match batteries to your flights but the matching step is optional. Matches can be made with aircraft and batteries that are currently being uploaded in the batch import workflow, or from existing aircraft and batteries in Site Scan. Pilot matches must come from existing pilots in Site Scan. Flights with unmatched pilots can still be imported.
Every flight must reference a specific aircraft and optionally, specific batteries. Site Scan matches these assets by comparing the value in the flight CSV’s aircraft and battery fields with a the following fields for aircraft or batteries being imported or that already exist in Site Scan:
Keep in mind the following points while preparing your data:
can only be used for matching flights with aircraft or batteries that are being imported at the same time as flights.extSerial
is referred to as Physical Serial Number on an aircraft or battery profile page in Site Scan.Site Scan attempts to automatically match aircraft and batteries that are referenced for every flight based on these fields. It will look at all existing aircraft and batteries in your fleet management, as well as aircraft and batteries that were uploaded in steps 2 and 3 of the batch import workflow.
If no match is identified, you will have the option to manually match the aircraft or battery.
Site Scan will look for matches between the pilot column in the flights CSV and pilot names in Site Scan. If your flights reference active pilots who don’t yet exist in Site Scan, add them on the Team Members page with the appropriate role prior to import.
If no match is found, it might be due to different spellings, or perhaps the flights CSV contains a pilot’s email address in the pilot field instead of a pilot name. In these cases, you can manually pick an existing pilot in Site Scan to complete the match.
Alternatively, the pilot may not be a Site Scan member. In these cases, you can choose the option, Not a Site Scan Pilot. In this case, any flights being imported for this pilot will not reference a pilot profile, but the name from the CSV will be displayed on the flight profile.
Use the following steps to match flights with assets:
If no corresponding aircraft exists yet in Site Scan, you can exit the batch import and add the aircraft to fleet management. Click Add new > Aircraft. Return to batch import, and select the newly created aircraft. If many aircraft referenced in the flight CSV do not have corresponding aircraft in Site Scan, consider doing a batch import of those aircraft for a more efficient import process. Ensure that any newly added aircraft contain the proper unique identifier (customId
, internalSerial
, or extSerial
) so that Site Scan can match it with its flights.
If the aircraft you are adding are supported by the Site Scan Flight app, the best practice is to perform one flight with these aircraft using the Flight app. This will automatically create a new aircraft in fleet management that can be used for matching.
Batch import will only succeed if the CSV files contain exact names for required field names and proper syntax for field values. Errors can occur if the CSV data is not structured in the expected format. Errors can occur immediately upon upload, or during the final submission. In each instance, Site Scan attempts to provide a description of what field or value is causing the error so you can take corrective action and re-upload the file.
Review the required fields and allowable values for each field in the top sections of the documentation to address errors during upload and submission. Depending on the prior fleet management software from which your data originated, you may need to manipulate the CSV, including the cell format, so the values are in the expected syntax and the field names match the template.
A few other notes regarding possible CSV file errors:
If you encounter errors that you cannot resolve, contact Esri Technical Support.
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