Add new editable data fields to offline maps in ArcGIS Field Maps

Last Published: December 27, 2022


In ArcGIS Field Maps, new data fields can be created in map layers and edited for offline use. These can be used when adding notes to features in offline mode.

This article provides the workflow to add new editable data fields to a hosted feature layer by configuring the web map in ArcGIS Online and updating the Field Maps app. In this example, after a new data field is added to the 'Petrol Stations' feature layer, the form is updated in Field Maps to allow editing in offline mode.

If the form is not updated, the field is displayed in the Field Maps app, but is not editable.


Ensure that the fields are modified by the feature layer owner or an administrator.
  1. In ArcGIS Online, on the Settings tab of the hosted feature layer, ensure Enable editing and Enable sync are checked.
Sync and editing is enabled for the hosted feature layer
  1. On the Data tab of the hosted feature layer, click Fields, then click Add.
Adding a new field from the Data tab
  1. In the Add Field dialog box, specify a field name for the Field Name parameter. In this example, the newly added field name is ‘Notes’.
Adding a new field from the Data tab
  1. Click Add New Field.
Refer to ArcGIS Online: Enable and remove pop-ups to display the fields in the ArcGIS Field Maps pop-up.
  1. Open the ArcGIS Field Maps web app, and open the map.
  2. On the Forms tab, select the feature layer from the Layers drop-down menu. The fields for that layer are listed in the form.
  3. In the Fields section in the Form builder pane, click and drag the newly created field into the form.
Adding the newly created field to the form
  1. Click Save.
  2. On the Offline tab, toggle the Offline button on to enable offline mode.
Enabling offline mode
  1. Navigate to Map areas > Manage Areas.
  2. Click Delete or Recreate on the offline map area to add the new field. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Offline map areas for instructions.
  3. In the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app, download the offline map area again to update the fields.
  4. Open the map area, select any feature, and click Edit. The newly added field can be populated with data.
A feature selected on the map for editing

The image below shows the newly added field edited with 'Additional notes'.

Editing the new field in ArcGIS Field Maps

Article ID: 000027616

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Field Maps Android
  • ArcGIS Field Maps iOS

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