Add incremental numbers to image file names for multiline images in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

Last Published: January 15, 2025


In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, data management can be enhanced by adding incremental numbers to image file names. This creates unique naming conventions, useful when capturing multiple images per question. For example, if a survey allows unlimited image uploads, the incremental numbers track the sequence of images captured.

This article outlines the steps to add incremental numbers to image file names for multiline image records in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.


  1. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, open the survey's XLSForm.
  2. Add an image question.
    1. In the survey worksheet, in the type column, click the drop-down button and select image.
    2. In the name column, specify the name of the question. In this example, the name is 'Incident_spot'.
    3. In the label column, specify the text to be displayed as the label for the question. In this example, the label is 'Snap the incident photos'.
    4. In the appearance column, select multiline from the drop-down menu.
    5. In the bind::esri:parameters column, specify the expression below.
fileName=concat("<the file name>",${<the calculation question name>})

The XLSForm below shows the configuration for the image question.

The configuration for the image question
  1. Add a calculation question.
    1. In the survey worksheet, in the type column, click the drop-down menu and select calculate.
    2. In the name column, specify the name of the question. In this example, the name is 'image_calculation'.
    3. In the calculation column, specify the expression below.
count-selected(${<the image question name>})+1

The XLSForm below shows the configuration for the calculation question.

The configuration for the calculate question type
  1. Click Save to save the XLSForm.

The image below shows captured images with file names that include incremental numbers.

The captured image files with incremental numbers

Article ID: 000034417

  • ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

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