Add a new question to a published survey in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

Last Published: May 10, 2022


In some instances, a new question is required to be added to a published survey to keep the data collection up to date and improve the objectives of the survey. However, adding a new question to a published survey and republishing it in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect may result in a loss of existing data. Hence, to avoid deleting existing data, it is a good practice to add the question as a new field in the hosted feature layer of the survey in the ArcGIS Online account where the survey form is published.


  1. In ArcGIS Online, add a new field to the hosted feature layer of the survey.
    1. Log in to ArcGIS Online with the same credentials used in ArcGIS Survey123.
    2. Click Content > My Content.
    3. In the My Content section, navigate to the survey folder and open it.
    4. Identify the hosted feature layer of the survey. Click More Options The More Options icon. and select Open in Map Viewer.
In the survey folder, there are two items which the hosted feature layer and web map. When clicking More Options, there are several options which are View item details, Categorize, and Open in Map Viewer. Select Open in Map Viewer.
  1. In Map Viewer, navigate to the layer in the Contents pane, and click Show Table The Show Table icon. to display the attribute table. In this example, questions of the existing survey are displayed as fields in the attribute table of its hosted feature layer.
The attribute table of a hosted feature layer of a survey with existing data in ArcGIS Online. There are four fields known as questions for the survey, Date And Time, Age, Location, and Type of Geoheritage.
  1. In the attribute table, click Options The Options icon., and select Add Field.
  2. In the Add Field window, specify Field Name. In this example, the field name is 'suggestion'.
  3. Specify the Display Name, and select the field type from the Type drop-down list. In this example, String is selected.
  4. Click ADD NEW FIELD.
There are several parameters in the Add Field window which are Field Name, Display Name, Type, Length, and Default Value (Optional). The Field Name, Display Name, and Type are the parameters that need to be filled in. The ADD NEW FIELD button is at the bottom of the Add Field window.
  1. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, update the question in the survey.
    1. Log in to ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, browse to, and double-click the survey to view it.
    2. Click XLSForm The XLSForm icon. to open the XLSForm file of the survey.
    3. In the survey worksheet, in the type column, click the drop-down arrow in a blank cell, and select the desired question type. In this example, text is selected.
There are three main columns in XLSForm which are type, name, and label. In type column, there are a list for the type of question. When click the drop-down arrow, the list is displayed.
  1. In the name and label columns, specify the name of the question. Ensure the name and label columns in the XLSForm have the same values as the Field Name and Display Name specified in Steps 1(g) through 1(h).
In the name and label columns, the name of the question is specified. In the name column, name is suggestion and label column is Suggestion (with capital S).
  1. Click Save The Save icon..
  1. Republish the survey.
    1. Click Publish survey The Publish survey icon..
    2. In the Publish <survey_title> window, click Publish survey.
The Publish <survey_title> window is displayed where its returns 'the survey will be updated without affecting the existing data' message. The Publish survey button is at the bottom of the window.
  1. In the Publishing <survey_title> window, click OK. The survey is published, and the new question is reflected in the ArcGIS Online hosted feature layer.
The Publishing <survey_title> window displays the processes information regarding the publishing status of the survey. For example, the Publishing Geoheritage window displayed creating web form, updating form item, and updating survey form package information.

The image below shows the survey is updated with the new question, and the existing data is preserved after republishing.

An attribute table of a hosted feature layer of a survey with existing data in ArcGIS Online after republishing. There are an addition of the new question which is the Suggestion field.

Article ID: 000025238

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Survey123 Connect

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