When creating applications using Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition), users may want to automatically display user-defined basemaps in the Basemap Gallery widget when the application is launched. By default, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS applications load the default Esri basemap from the basemap gallery of the user's organization or portal. This is done via the organization URL or portal URL used to access the application.
The instructions provided describe how to directly modify the configuration files of the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS application by creating a new customized Basemap Gallery widget, which automatically loads all user-created basemaps when the application is launched.
Note: The steps below require making changes to files located in the application's stemapp folder using a text editor, such as Notepad++. It is recommended to create a backup of each file before making the changes. Ensure that each file is saved after the changes are made.
Note: Changing the Basemap Gallery widget's default basemaps causes the basemap galleries in all other applications accessed via ArcGIS Online to change.
{ "label": "NewBasemapGallery", "uri": "widgets/NewBasemapGallery/Widget" },
"name": "NewBasemapGallery",
_widgetLabel: "New Basemap Gallery"
"config": "widgets/BasemapGallery/config.json"
Article ID: 000013786
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