Add a hosted feature layer attribute table to ArcGIS Dashboards

Last Published: July 21, 2023


In some instances, adding an attribute table of a hosted feature layer is required to display the supplemental information in ArcGIS Dashboards. However, ArcGIS Dashboards does not provide a widget or an element for customizing and adding attribute tables.

This article provides the workflow to publish the attribute table as a hosted table in ArcGIS Online, and embed the table into ArcGIS Dashboards. Complete the steps below to add an attribute table from ArcGIS Online to ArcGIS Dashboards.


  1. In ArcGIS Online, navigate to the item details page of the hosted feature layer containing the attribute table to add to ArcGIS Dashboards.
  2. On the item details page, click the feature layer, and click Export Data > Export to CSV file.
Image of the export data to CSV file
  1. Fill in the required sections in the Export to CSV file window, and click Export.
  2. On the item details page of the exported CSV file from Step 3, click Publish.
Image of the item details page of the CSV file
  1. In the Publish window, select None, add as table for the Locate features by: option, and click Publish.
Image of the Publish window of the CSV file
  1. On the item details page of the published hosted table from Step 5, navigate to the Data tab.
  2. Copy the hosted table URL from the address bar of the web browser.
Image showing the URL of the hosted table
  1. On the ArcGIS Dashboards page, click the Add menu, and click Embedded Content.
Image showing the Embedded Content section on the dashboard page
  1. Select Static for Type, and Document for Content Type.
  2. Paste the hosted table URL from Step 7 into the URL box, and click Done.

The data table is embedded and displayed on ArcGIS Dashboards.

the embedded data table in ArcGIS Dashboards

Article ID: 000023491

  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Dashboards

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