Frequently asked question
ArcGIS Online works continuously to improve our products and one of the best ways to find out what needs improvement is through customer feedback. The Esri User Experience Improvement program (EUEI) allows organizations to contribute to the design and development of ArcGIS Online. The program collects information about the usage of ArcGIS Online, including hardware and browser characteristics, without interrupting workflows. The program is completely optional and anonymous; none of the information collected is used to identify or contact members of an organization.
The collection and submission of information is completely unobtrusive and has no impact on members' use of the software. Examples of collected data include hardware and browser details, whether search results were clicked, how often users cancel out of a window, errors encountered in workflows, and session length.
The Esri User Experience Improvement program does not collect any personal information related to an organization or its members, such as the IP address, login information, and specifics about any data being used. The program does not actively collect any information outside of ArcGIS Online.
Note: Regardless of an organization's participation in this program, ArcGIS Online as a cloud offering does have information about usage, such as credits used and items created. Esri values the privacy of customers, distributors, and business partners, as it is a principal component of establishing trust. All information collected by Esri is protected by Esri 's Privacy Policy.
Article ID: 000016235
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