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Esri is committed to building and providing strong security for ArcGIS and helping our customers by using the latest security protocols. We strive to implement the highest industry standards, including TLS for data integrity and network security.
To meet these standards, Esri is making software updates across ArcGIS to support TLS 1.2. As part of improving ArcGIS Online security, Esri is requiring TLS 1.2 connections for ArcGIS Online services. Action is required to ensure continued access to these services.
Note: The Esri Resource Proxy is an open source resource hosted on GitHub. The configuration of this application is supported by Esri Support Services. If problems occur directly with the Esri Resource Proxy application itself, please log this as an issue on the issues tab on the GitHub Repository page.
Esri Resource Proxy version 1.1.2 is TLS 1.2 compatible. If not using the latest version, please update to version 1.1.2 of the proxy to ensure your applications will be able to successfully communicate with ArcGIS Online.
Article ID: 000020783
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