Host 3D Web Scenes

Last Published: April 25, 2020


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This article was contributed by Esri Nederland, the Esri distributor for the Netherlands.

ArcGIS Online offers a CityEngine Web Viewer that allows ArcGIS and CityEngine users to share their 3D projects with a large audience. If using the viewer in ArcGIS Online is not an option, organizations may host the CityEngine Web Viewer on their own infrastructure. This article provides an illustrated step by step workflow on how to set up the CityEngine Web Viewer on a user's infrastructure.


A. Download the CityEngine Web Viewer

1. Download the latest Web Viewer package from ArcGIS Online: CityEngine WebViewer application package

B. Place the viewer on the web server
(Steps for IIS with default wwwroot location)

1. Unzip the downloaded package to the web server's document root (or into a subfolder). With IIS, this is 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot' by default.

2. Delete 'ceviewer.html' if this file exists in the web viewer folder.

3. Rename the file 'ceviewer_offline.html' to 'viewer.html'.

C. Create a location for the 3D Web Scenes

1. Create a folder called ‘webscenes’ at the same level as the 'webviewer' folder. With default IIS settings, this would be 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\webscenes\'.

2. Place the web scene(s) (.3ws files) in the newly created folder 'webscenes'.

D. Configure the .3ws MIME type in IIS
(Only applicable if IIS is used)

1. Open the IIS Manager.

2. Click MIME Types under the IIS category.
3. Click the link ‘Add�’ in the Actions pane on the right.

• For the file name extension, enter .3ws.
• For MIME type, enter 'application/octet-stream'.
• Click OK.

The .3ws MIME type is now in the MIME Types list.

E. Accessing the 3D Web Scenes

1. Access Web Scenes with the following URL:


In this article's example, this would be:

The user may also browse and select a local 3D Scene from the file system using:


The 3D Web Scene is running as a locally hosted application.

Article ID: 000012036

  • ArcGIS CityEngine Prev
  • ArcGIS Online

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