GRID has no VAT. Could not open raster dataset from file

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When running Tabulate Area, the following error message is displayed:

"An error was encountered while executing TabulateArea.
("esriGeoAnalyst.GridEngine") Could not open raster dataset from file
Failed to execute"

When running Zonal Statistics or Zonal Statistics as Table, the following error message is received:

"An error was encountered while executing ZonalStatistics.
("esriGeoAnalyst.GridEngine") Grid has no VAT
Failed to execute"

This article applies to these tools only when a shapefile is used for the Feature Zone Data.


The range of values for the Zone field exceeds 100,000. For example, one attribute is 800,000 and another attribute is 200,000.

Solution or Workaround

Create a new Long Integer field that does not exceed a range of 100,000.

  • If the Zone field has unique values, create a new Long Integer field and calculate this equal to the FID.
  • If the previous field specified for the Zone field does not have unique values, run a dissolve on this field for the shapefile. Do this by navigating to ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Generalization > Dissolve.

    After the dissolve is complete, create a new Long Integer field within the shapefile and calculate this equal to the FID.
  • Optionally, join the original shapefile to the output table based on the new Long Integer field you created. The join compares the Zone field that was originally specified to the results from Tabulate Area or Zonal Statistics as Table tool.

Article ID: 000008935

  • ArcMap 9 x

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