After creating a graticule using the Grids and Graticules wizard, with a fairly small interval (for example, 10'), the axis labels incorrectly show a value of 60'.
Solution or Workaround
Adjust your graticule's point of origin to be close to the location where your incorrect axis label is occurring. Also, re-enter the interval if your interval involves a repeating decimal value.
- Right-click the data frame in the layout or in the Table of Contents and select Properties.
- Switch to the Grids tab, select the graticule, and click Properties.
- Switch to the Intervals tab, and type in values for the X and Y origin that are close to the values in the incorrect label. For example, if your axis label shows a value of 117°60'00"W longitude, enter an X-origin value of -117.
- For your X and Y intervals, check if the value is a repeating decimal. For example, an interval of 10' would be listed as 0.166667. Extend this value to a greater number of decimal places, such as 0.16666666.