A. Perform Select By Location in ArcMap to view the numbers of points in the designated area:
1. Create a shapefile from ArcCatalog:
a. Right-click the designated folder, and click New > Shapefile.
b. In the Create New Shapefile dialog box, from the Feature Type drop-down, select Polygon.
c. Import the coordinate system from the point feature class:
i. Right-click the shapefile and select Properties.
ii. In XY Coordinate System tab, click the Add Coordinate System drop-down arrow and select Import.
iii. Select the desired shapefile to import the coordinate system from and click Add.
2. Start ArcMap.
3. Click the Selection menu > Select By Location.
4. Under 'Selection method', choose 'select features from'.
5. Under 'Target layer(s)', check the desired point feature class.
6. Under 'Source layer', select the newly created polygon feature class.
7. Under 'Spatial selection method for target layer feature(s)', select 'intersect the source layer feature'.
8. Click Apply.
9. Open the attribute table of the point feature class and view the number of data points selected.
B. Use the Spatial Join tool:
1. Follow steps 1 and 2 in Procedure A, above.
2. Right-click the shapefile, point to Edit Features, click Start Editing, draw the desired boundary and save the edits.
3. Select the Spatial Join tool from ArcToolbox > Analysis Tools > Overlay > Spatial Join.
4. Under Target Features, select polygon feature and under Join Features, select points feature.
5. Specify the Output Feature Class.
6. Under the Join Operation drop-down box, select JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY.
7. Under the Match Option drop-down box, select INTERSECT.
8. Click OK.
9. Open the attribute table of the new polygon feature class to view the total number of data points.