Geocoding addresses from an Excel spreadsheet or OLE DB table against an ArcGIS Server Geocode Service may cause errors

Last Published: April 25, 2020


** Fixed in ArcGIS 9.3**

Geocoding an address table from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or Object Linking and Embedding database (OLE DB) table against an ArcGIS Server Geocode Service is not supported. The following message may display:

"There was an error trying to process this table".


ArcGIS Server 9.2 requires an ObjectID field in the address table. If the field is missing, the RemoteAddressLocator may fail.


  1. Save the table in a DBF file or convert the table into a geodatabase table using ArcCatalog.
  2. Use the new table to geocode against the ArcGIS Server Geocode Service.

    Geocoding addresses from an Excel spreadsheet or OLE DB table against an ArcGIS Server Geocode Service is not supported. Geocoding the Excel spreadsheet or OLE DB table against a Desktop or ArcSDE address locator is supported.

Article ID: 000009350

  • ArcMap 9 x
  • Legacy Products

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