Generate parameters for a world file without using the REGISTER command

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The REGISTER command uses an Affine Transformation to generate the parameters that get written to the world file.

It is possible to generate these same values outside the REGISTER command with the following ARC Macro Language.


Compute affine transformation parameters.

/* AFFINE.AML -- Compute Affine Transformation Parameters
/* Macro for computing the parameters that describe the transformation from
/* one set of coordinate points (the source coordinates) to another set (the
/* destination coordinates). Six parameters are calculated, and these are
/* described in the "ARC/INFO Image Integrator User's Guide", Chapter 2. The
/* parameters are then used to calculate transformed destination coordinates,
/* from which error residuals and a total destination root mean square (RMS)
/* error value are calculated.
/* Input: .TRN$OSX original source coordinates
/* .TRN$ODX original destination coordinates
/* Output: .TRN$XP1 X transformation parameter 1 (C in the User's Guide)
/* .TRN$XP2 X transformation parameter 2 (A)
/* .TRN$XP3 X transformation parameter 3 (B)
/* .TRN$YP1 Y transformation parameter 1 (F)
/* .TRN$YP2 Y transformation parameter 2 (D)
/* .TRN$YP3 Y transformation parameter 3 (E)
/* .TRN$TDX transformed destination coordinates
/* .TRN$RDX error residuals (transformed - original)
/* .TRN$DRMS destination root mean square error

&severity &error &routine error
&args in_x in_y out_x out_y

/* See if you need to display usages.

&if [null %out_y%] &then &goto usage
&if [null %out_x%] &then &goto usage
&if [null %in_y%] &then &goto usage
&if [null %in_x%] &then &goto usage

/* -- Initialize the matrices; TOP and BOT are 1x3 arrays, and TMATRIX is
/* -- a 3x3 array.

&do i = 1 &to 3
&s top%i% = 0
&s bot%i% = 0
&do j = 1 &to 3
&s tmatrix%i%%j% = 0

/* -- Load the matrices with the coordinates.

&s i = 1
&do &while [variable .trn$osx%i%]

/* -- Ensure all coordinate variables are present for this pass through
/* -- the loop.

/*&if not [variable .trn$osy%i%] or ~
/* not [variable .trn$odx%i%] or ~
/* not [variable .trn$ody%i%] &then &do
/* &type ERROR: Missing original transformation coordinate variables (.TRN$O*)
/* &call error
/* &end

/* -- AML loses precision when dividing by very large numbers; subtract
/* -- the first destination coordinates from all subsequent destination
/* -- coordinates, translating those points so that the first point lies on
/* -- the origin of the Cartesian plane; the first destination coordinates
/* -- will be added back into the transformation parameters later.

&s odx%i% = [value .trn$odx%i%] - %.trn$odx1%
&s ody%i% = [value .trn$ody%i%] - %.trn$ody1%

/* -- Add the coordinates to the transformation matrix TMATRIX.

&s tmatrix11 = %tmatrix11% + 1
&s tmatrix12 = %tmatrix12% + [value .trn$osx%i%]
&s tmatrix13 = %tmatrix13% + [value .trn$osy%i%]
&s tmatrix22 = %tmatrix22% + ( [value .trn$osx%i%] * [value .trn$osx%i%] )
&s tmatrix23 = %tmatrix23% + ( [value .trn$osx%i%] * [value .trn$osy%i%] )
&s tmatrix33 = %tmatrix33% + ( [value .trn$osy%i%] * [value .trn$osy%i%] )

/* -- Add the coordinates to the TOP and BOT matrices.

&s top1 = %top1% + [value odx%i%]
&s top2 = %top2% + ( [value .trn$osx%i%] * [value odx%i%] )
&s top3 = %top3% + ( [value .trn$osy%i%] * [value odx%i%] )
&s bot1 = %bot1% + [value ody%i%]
&s bot2 = %bot2% + ( [value .trn$osx%i%] * [value ody%i%] )
&s bot3 = %bot3% + ( [value .trn$osy%i%] * [value ody%i%] )

&s i = %i% + 1

&s tmatrix21 = %tmatrix12%
&s tmatrix32 = %tmatrix23%
&s tmatrix31 = %tmatrix13%

/* -- Perform matrix algebra; sorry, but this is a "black box".
/* -- The code is from a program in
Visual Basic.

&do i = 1 &to 3
&do j = 1 &to 3
&if %j% ne %i% &then &do
&s tmatrix%i%%j% = [value tmatrix%i%%j%] / [value tmatrix%i%%i%]
&s tmatrix%i%%i% = 1 / [value tmatrix%i%%i%]
&do j = 1 &to 3
&if %j% ne %i% &then &do
&do k = 1 &to 3
&if %k% ne %i% &then &do
&s tmatrix%j%%k% = [value tmatrix%j%%k%] - ~
( [value tmatrix%j%%i%] * [value tmatrix%i%%k%] )
&s tmatrix%j%%i% = ( 0 - [value tmatrix%j%%i%] ) * [value tmatrix%i%%i%]

/* -- Calculate transformation parameters from the matrix.

&do i = 1 &to 3
&s .trn$xp%i% = 0
&s .trn$yp%i% = 0
&do j = 1 &to 3
&s .trn$xp%i% = [value .trn$xp%i%] + ~
( [value tmatrix%i%%j%] * [value top%j%] )
&s .trn$yp%i% = [value .trn$yp%i%] + ~
( [value tmatrix%i%%j%] * [value bot%j%] )

/* -- The first X and Y parameters describe the translation for the
/* -- transformation; add the first destination coordinates, which were
/* -- subtracted prior to the matrix algebra, to these parameters.

&s .trn$xp1 = %.trn$xp1% + %.trn$odx1%
&s .trn$yp1 = %.trn$yp1% + %.trn$ody1%

/* -- Using the transformation parameters, calculate adjusted destination
/* -- coordinates and error residuals.

&s .trn$drms = 0
&s i = 1
&do &while [variable .trn$odx%i%]
&s .trn$tdx%i% = %.trn$xp1% + ~
( [value .trn$osx%i%] * %.trn$xp2% ) + ~
( [value .trn$osy%i%] * %.trn$xp3% )
&s .trn$tdy%i% = %.trn$yp1% + ~
( [value .trn$osx%i%] * %.trn$yp2% ) + ~
( [value .trn$osy%i%] * %.trn$yp3% )
&s .trn$rdx%i% = [value .trn$tdx%i%] - [value .trn$odx%i%]
&s .trn$rdy%i% = [value .trn$tdy%i%] - [value .trn$ody%i%]

/* -- Accumulate the squared distance between the original and transformed
/* -- destination points.

&s dist = [invdistance 0 0 [value .trn$rdx%i%] [value .trn$rdy%i%]]
&s .trn$drms = %.trn$drms% + ( %dist% * %dist% )

&s i = %i% + 1
&s i = %i% - 1

/* -- Calculate the root mean square error.

&s .trn$drms = %.trn$drms% / ( %i% - 1 )
&s .trn$drms = [sqrt %.trn$drms%]


/* Display usage.

&label usage
&type Usage: AFFINE <out_y)


&routine error
&severity &error &ignore
&return; &return &error Bailing out of AFFINE.AML ...

Article ID:000002128

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