Find the X and Y coordinates for addresses matched using the Find address dialog box

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Instructions provided describe how to find the X and Y coordinates for addresses matched using the Find address dialog box in ArcMap.


Select one of the following two options to show the X and Y coordinates of a matched address:

  • Option 1
    1. Right-click on the candidate to match the address to and click 'Add as graphic to map' on the context menu. A graphic point is added to the map.
    2. Move or close the Find dialog box.
    3. On the map, click the Select Element tool
    on the Standard toolbar and double-click the graphic point to open the Properties dialog box.
    4. Click the Size and Position tab of the dialog box. The X and Y coordinates are listed in the map units of the data frame.
  • Option 2
    1. As the owner of the address locator, right-click on the address locator in ArcCatalog and click Properties on the context menu.
    2. In the Address Locator Properties dialog box, check the box next to the X and Y coordinates option in the Output Fields section.
    3. Click OK. The X and Y coordinates display in the address candidates using this address locator in the Find dialog box.

Article ID: 000008235

  • ArcMap

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