Frequently asked question

Why is Open Attribute Table in ArcMap unavailable for some raster datasets?

Last Published: May 26, 2021


In ArcGIS Desktop 9.2 and later, the Open Attribute Table function in ArcMap is unavailable for some raster datasets when they do not contain a raster attribute table.

In ArcGIS Desktop 9.1, when a raster dataset that does not contain an attribute table is added to ArcMap, the system automatically scans all pixel values and builds a raster attribute table on-the-fly, if the table size is within certain limits.

The mechanism to automatically build a raster attribute table is not available in ArcGIS Desktop 9.2, as scanning all pixel values to build a raster attribute table on-the-fly is unnecessary if the unique value renderer is not used for displaying raster data in images that are getting larger.

To add a raster attribute table in ArcGIS Desktop 9.2 and 9.3.x:

  1. Use the Build Raster Attribute Table geoprocessing tool in the Data Management > Raster toolset.
  2. Once the table exists, the Open Raster Attribute Table function in ArcMap can be used.

To add a raster attribute table in ArcGIS Desktop 10.1 and above:

  1. In ArcMap or ArcCatalog, click ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Raster > Raster Dataset > Copy Raster.
  2. In the Copy Raster window, Pixel Type (optional) drop-down, select the 32_BIT_SIGNED integer. This converts the 32-bit floating point raster to a 32-bit signed integer raster.
  3. Click ArcToolbox > Data Management Tools > Raster > Raster Properties > Build Raster Attribute Table.
  4. Specify the 32-bit signed integer output raster from Step 2 as the input raster. The output raster has an attribute table.
For developers, use IRasterDatasetEdit2 and BuildAttributeTable to force the creation of a raster attribute table.

Article ID:000009462

  • ArcMap 9 x
  • ArcMap 10 8
  • ArcMap 10 x
  • ArcMap 10 7
  • ArcMap 10 6

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