Frequently asked question

When editing pop-ups, is it possible to display URLs from the Custom Attribute Display as hyperlinks?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When editing pop-ups, it is not possible to display URLs from the Custom Attribute Display as hyperlinks. This is by design. When a custom attribute display is used to display content of a pop-up, the URL included in the pop-up do not appear in edit mode.

The information set in the custom attribute display of the pop-up is written to the JSON file of the web map. The JSON representation controls how the web map and pop-ups are displayed. When users click the Edit button to edit the pop-up, users are actually editing the feature service item of the web map. Therefore, editing the pop-up and editing the custom attribute display of the pop-up that contains the URL are two different components altogether. The URL included in the custom attribute display does not display when editing the pop-up because it is not part of the feature service source data.

However, if displaying URLs is absolutely necessary when editing pop-ups, a workaround is to update the attribute table of the feature service layer to add a field that stores the URL. Enable the field in the pop-up when editing so that the URL can be added to the field in edit mode. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Online Help: Configure pop-ups. Although this workaround displays the URL in edit mode, the URL does not appear as a hyperlink. To access the URL, users are required to select and right-click the URL, and select Go to <URL>. 
Image of the URL in edit mode

Article ID:000013632

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