Frequently asked question
The CAD, VPF, and coverage annotations are pre-ArcGIS formats utilized for text display within maps. In ArcGIS Pro, CAD and VPF annotations are presented solely as read-only text, preventing the elements from being selected or repositioned.
To modify CAD annotations, copy the CAD annotation feature class and paste the feature class into a geodatabase within the project. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Copy feature datasets, feature classes, and tables to a geodatabase for instructions. Alternatively, use the CAD To Geodatabase tool to import the CAD annotation feature class into a geodatabase.
For VPF annotations, the Import VPF To Geodatabase tool can be used to import the VPF data into an empty template or existing geodatabase. To correctly import VPF data in DNC format, create a geodatabase with DNC-specific feature classes, an Ecrtext annotation feature class, and a defined topology. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Pro: Import VPF data. This tool requires the ArcGIS Maritime license.
Coverage is not supported in ArcGIS Pro because it is a legacy data format. Consequently, certain tools available in ArcMap, such as the Import Coverage Annotation tool, are unavailable in ArcGIS Pro. For more information, refer to ArcGIS Pro: Coverage.
Article ID: 000032185
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