Frequently asked question

Is there a back-to-top button in the ArcGIS StoryMaps story builder?

Last Published: October 18, 2022


No, currently there is no back-to-top button in the ArcGIS StoryMaps story builder. Although there is no back-to-top button, there are other features to achieve a similar effect. Either one of the workarounds below navigates to the top of the page or a specific section of a story in ArcGIS StoryMaps.

Click the header of the story

Clicking the header of the story allows page visitors to jump to the top of the page again, functioning similarly to a back-to-top button.

The header of the 'In The shadow of A Volcano' story

Create in-story links

Alternatively, creating in-story links enables the page visitors to efficiently navigate to a specific section in a story. All heading and subheading texts in ArcGIS StoryMaps automatically generate an individual link that can be copied and pasted to create an in-story link. The following are steps to create in-story links by adding a button link in the story.

This step is only applicable to a published story.
  1. Open the story in ArcGIS StoryMaps.
  2. Hover over the heading or subheading to display the Copy section link icon.
  3. Click the Copy section link icon to copy the link.
Copy section link button
  1. Click More actions More options icon > Edit story.
Edit story button under More actions icon
  1. Click Add content block Add content block icon > Button.
Button option in the block palette
  1. Type the desired text for the button and click the Edit icon.
Edit button for Button section
  1. Paste the section link copied in Step 3 in the URL box, and press Enter.
  2. Click Publish to save the changes.
Publish button to save changes and publish story

Article ID: 000028435

  • ArcGIS StoryMaps

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