Frequently asked question

Is it possible to add rows to an attribute table in ArcGIS Online?

Last Published: May 10, 2022


It is not possible to add rows to an attribute table in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer. As an alternative, use the Append Data to Layer function to add new data to the attribute table on the item details page in ArcGIS Online.

  1. Create a new CSV file using Microsoft Excel to match the fields in the attribute table.
Longitude and Latitude are hidden fields in the feature layer.
  1. In ArcGIS Online, under the Content tab, select and click the hosted feature layer to retrieve the fields information.
  2. Click Data and select the layer. In this example, the Pointing layer is selected.
The Content tab with the Data tab
  1. Open a new Microsoft Excel file.
  2. For the fields, match the field names of the feature layer to the fields in the Microsoft Excel sheet.
  3. Populate the field with data according to the number of rows desired. In this example, the row with ‘2’ and ‘3’ specifies two additional rows to be added. Random data added can be edited after the new rows are added.
Excel sheet with rows 2 and 3
Excel sheet with columns Latitude and Longitude
  1. Append the new data to the hosted feature layer.
    1. In ArcGIS Online, click Options and select Append Data to Layer.
    2. Upload the CSV file created in Step 1.
    3. In the Append Data pop-up, uncheck the Update existing features box and click Show field matching to ensure the fields are matched. Click Apply Updates.
The Append data pop-up

The following image shows the new rows added to the existing table.

The map with the new rows are added to the table

Article ID: 000027561

  • ArcGIS Online

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