Frequently asked question

Is it possible to add more than five widgets in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Yes, it is possible to add more than five widgets in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. The five widgets limit only applies to the Billboard theme. Widgets in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS include both off-panel and in-panel widgets. Non-removable off-panel widgets are embedded within the Web AppBuilder theme, while removable in-panel widgets can be added from the widget collection to the widget controller or placeholder. Widgets that are added in a placeholder appear as on-screen widgets, or in certain cases in a dashboard or collapsible pane. The in-panel widgets require user interactions on the panel.

A single app can include more than one theme. However, only one theme can be used while running at any one time.

For example, the Dashboard theme enables users to add ten in-panel widgets in the placeholder, in which five widgets appear as on-screen widgets, while the other five widgets appear in the dashboard. However, like the Billboard theme, there is no widget controller available for the Dashboard theme. Hence, the widget counts are limited.

This is the Dashboard theme in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.

The Jewelry Box theme enables users to add four in-panel widgets in the placeholder, in which three widgets appear as on-screen widgets, while the remaining widget appears as a collapsible widget pane. Besides, an unlimited number of in-panel widgets can be added to the widget controller.

This is the Jewelry Box theme in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.
In-panel widgets can be grouped together by dragging a widget into another widget to create a folder containing grouped widgets. To ungroup, drag each widget out of the group.

The table below summarizes the types of in-panel widgets supported by different themes in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS and the respective widget limits imposed.

ThemeIn-panel widgets
Widget controllerPlaceholder
Appear as on-screen widgetsAppear as other than on-screen widgets
Yes / No
Widget limit
Yes / NoWidget limitAppear asWidget limit
Billboard (default)No-Yes5--
Jewelry BoxYesUnlimitedYes3Collapsible pane1

Article ID: 000017760

  • ArcGIS Web AppBuilder

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