Frequently asked question
Esri works continuously to improve our products and one of the best ways to find out what needs improvement is through customer feedback. However, with so many customers using our products in a variety of industries, it can be difficult to get feedback from all of them. Esri User Experience Improvement (EUEI) allows all of Esri's customers to contribute to the design and development of ArcGIS. EUEI collects information about how customers use ArcGIS and some of the problems that they encounter. Participation in EUEI is completely voluntary.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What happens when I participate in EUEI?
ArcGIS collects information about your computer and how Esri software is being used. This information is then stored in an encoded file in your user profile and is updated to Esri occasionally while you are working. The collection and submission method is completely unobtrusive and has no impact on your usability.
What kind of data is collected?
Some examples of the data that are collected are hardware information, such as OS version, information about your graphics card, the commands and tools you are using, application up time, error report information, etc. EUEI does not collect any personal information related to you or your organization such as your IP address, login information, and specifics about any data you may be using.
Does Esri collect any information about other software installed on my system?
No, EUEI does not actively collect any information outside of ArcGIS products. However, some general information may be collected from third-party software that extends ArcGIS.
If I choose to participate, can I opt out later?
Yes, you can opt in or out at any time by running the ArcGIS Administrator and checking the option to participate or stop participating, or by running repair on the setup. However, for ArcGIS Pro 2.4.x and prior versions, the only method is to run a software repair of ArcGIS Pro via the Windows Control Panel. As of ArcGIS Pro 2.5, the ability to opt in or out of the EUEI is available through the ArcGIS Pro application options.
Will I be contacted by Esri or receive spam mail?
No, EUEI does not contain any contact information or any information that can be linked back to individual users. EUEI is completely anonymous.
Can I review the information before it is sent to Esri?
The data is in a format that allows Esri to maximize the amount of information recorded while minimizing its impact on our end users and also handling the number of users sending data. The EUEI logs are sent automatically without any interruption to your work, so they cannot be reviewed prior to submission. However, the current log and two previous logs are stored in the following location:
Note: For ArcMap, this location can be found by opening Windows Explorer: Click Start > All Programs > Accessories, click Windows Explorer, and enter the address, e.g., %LOCALAPPDATA%\Esri\Desktop10.x\EUEI. For ArcGIS Pro, this location can be found by opening Windows Explorer: Click Start > All Programs > Accessories, click Windows Explorer, and enter the address, e.g., %LOCALAPPDATA%\Esri\ArcGISPro\EUEI.
What are the size of the EUEI reports created?
The EUEI reports are small (a few MB or less).
How is my privacy protected if I choose to participate in Esri UEI?
Esri respects your privacy, and does not gather any personal information about you or your system. To properly aggregate and prioritize the data, EUEI creates a globally unique identifier (GUID) that is stored on your computer, known as the Report ID. This way we can distinguish the difference between one hundred users providing feedback or one user who provides feedback a hundred times. The GUID is a randomly generated number and is not used to identify you.
Please refer to the Esri Privacy Policy for more information.
Article ID: 000011271
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