Frequently asked question

How does configuring the number of days until password expiration in ArcGIS Online affect organization members' current time to password expiration?

Last Published: May 12, 2021


In ArcGIS Online, default administrators or members with administrative privileges can configure the number of days until organization members' passwords expire in the Security settings on the Settings tab. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Configure security settings for more information.

Increasing the 'Password expires after the following number of days' value does not reset the number of days that have passed. For example, when the 'Password expires after the following number of days' value is set to 60, and 20 days have passed, there are 40 days remaining until password expiration. If the 'Password expires after the following number of days' value is increased to 90, the number of days passed remains the same, resulting in 70 days remaining until password expiration.

Decreasing the 'Password expires after the following number of days' value resets the number of days passed back to zero. For example, if 20 days have passed when the 'Password expires after the following number of days' value is decreased from 60 to 30, the number of days passed resets to zero, resulting in 30 days remaining until password expiration.

Article ID: 000025400

  • ArcGIS Online

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