Frequently asked question
No, it is not possible to directly rotate maps in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, as this functionality is not available for this app. Rotating a map is only possible for a web scene but not for a web map. This is done by creating an ArcGIS Web AppBuilder app from the item details page of the web scene. Refer to ArcGIS Web AppBuilder: Navigate widget for more information.
Esri provides other apps with different capabilities to accommodate a variety of needs. Therefore, as an alternative, it is recommended to use ArcGIS Experience Builder to rotate the map by right-clicking while dragging the pointer around the map. Refer to ArcGIS Experience Builder: Map widget for more information.
Another option is to use ArcGIS Instant Apps as map rotation is also possible. Additionally, there are map rotation options that can be configured in the Map area setting. For more information, refer to the Map area configuration setting section in ArcGIS Blog: What's New in Instant Apps (October 2023).
The following image shows the rotation of the map in ArcGIS Experience Builder.
Note: ArcGIS Web AppBuilder will be deprecated in the fourth quarter of 2025. Therefore, bug fixes or enhancements will not be addressed, and technical support from Esri will no longer be available. Refer to ArcGIS Blog: ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Roadmap for Retirement for more information.
Article ID: 000032390
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