Failed to start join. Unconnected parcel groups will be split, try joining again

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

In ArcMap, when joining parcels in a parcel fabric, the following error message is returned:

Failed to start join. Unconnected parcel groups will be split, try joining again.
After attempting to join the parcel fabric for the second time, the grouped parcels appear skewed.
This applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced or Standard license.


This error message is designed to prevent users from skewing the parcels. However, this issue may occur because the parcels selected for the construction are not contiguous. To construct and join the parcels all at once, the interior must form a closed loop. When reconnecting a group of parcels that are not connected to the parcel fabric, the result of re-joining causes the parcel fabric to appear skewed.

Solution or Workaround

Create a boundary or connection line in the construction to close the gap and form a closed loop. For more information on creating parcel construction lines, refer to the following ArcGIS Web Help page: About constructing parcels.

Create boundary lines to form a closed loop

Article ID: 000012931

  • ArcMap

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