Failed to register as versioned. Underlying DBMS error [ORA-00984: column not allowed here][user.table]

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

"Failed to register as versioned.
Underlying DBMS error [ORA-00984: column not allowed here][TEST.TEST.VIRTUAL]"

With the release of Oracle 11G virtual columns are a new feature. Tables within Oracle that contain virtual columns cannot be registered as versioned.


The example below shows the creation of a table using SQL*Plus, adding two column names, inserting values, and adding a virtual column concatenating the fname and lname columns.

create table test_virtual (fname varchar2(25), lname varchar2(25));
insert into test_virtual values('Albert','Einstein');
alter table test_virtual add (fullname varchar2(60) generated always as (fname||' '||lname) virtual);

Within the ArcCatalog client this table can be registered with the geodatabase, but not registered as versioned.

Solution or Workaround

The attribute data within the table can still be viewed, but currently the use of tables with virtual columns in a versioned environment is not supported.

    Article ID:000011313

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