Failed to register as versioned. Attribute column not found. The name is too long. The maximum length is 18

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

In a DB2 database, when a table that is being registered as versioned has an index with a name that exceeds 16 characters, an error message similar to the following is encountered:

"Failed to register as versioned. Attribute column not found. The name "<index_name>" is too long. The maximum length is "18"."


In a DB2 database, the table that is being registered as versioned has an index with a name that exceeds 16 characters.

When the table is registered as versioned, an Adds table is created. The Adds table has the same indexes that exist on the business table, but '_A' is appended to the index names to make them unique. If the name of an index on the business table has more than 16 characters, when the index is created on the Adds table, the new index name exceeds 18 characters.

Solution or Workaround

Drop the index on the table that exceeds 16 characters and re-create it with 16 or fewer characters.

    Article ID: 000010010

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