Failed to Paste Underlying DBMS error

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

While trying to Copy, Paste or Import existing data as ST_GEOMETRY, one of the following errors is displayed:

Failed to Paste <FEATURE>
Underlying DBMS error[Error executing PL/SQL Block db_stgeom_create_index::ORA-29855: error occured in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
ORA-20083: Parameter ST_SRID <SOME NUMBER> does not exist in ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCES table.]
DBMS table not found[<further error info removed>]
Failed to Paste <FEATURE>
Underlying DBMS error[Error executing stored procedure <schema>.spref_util.insert_spatial_ref::ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SDE"."ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCES"."SR_NAME")]
DBMS table not found[<further error info removed>]


Previous versions of ArcObjects allowed a Spatial Reference to be defined without supplying a name. This created the Spatial Reference with a NULL name.

For example, it is possible to create a feature with a spatial reference (projection) that consists of a string that contains:


The ST_GEOMETRY type is OGC-compliant and requires that the feature have a Spatial Reference with a name.

Solution or Workaround

Re-create the spatial reference by using ArcCatalog.

  1. Highlight the feature in ArcCatalog, right-click and select Properties.
  2. Select the XY Coordinate System tab. Use the Select, Import or New options to define the spatial reference.

Article ID:000008862

  • ArcMap
  • Legacy Products

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