Failed to cache extent: The index was either too large or too small

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

Attempting to update an existing cache on certain extents fails with the following error:

"Failed to cache extent: The index was either too large or too small".


There are several possible causes for this problem:

  • The Windows Distributed File System Replication (DFSR) service is turned on. For more information about the Windows DFSR, refer to the following web help document, Windows: Distributed File System Replication.
  • A big map extent is set for the cached scale, causing the size of the cache file to be big.
  • Problematic or corrupted bundle files exist in the cache folder.
  • An existing cache is updated after upgrading ArcGIS.

Solution or Workaround

Use one of the following solutions according to the causes stated above to solve this problem:
  • Disable the Windows DFSR, and configure the ArcGIS for Server cache directory to not use the Windows Distributed File System (DFS) namespace system. For more information about configuring the ArcGIS cache directory, refer to the following web help document, ArcGIS for Server: Local cache directories on the server.
  • Reset the map extent from the data frame in ArcMap to a smaller scale, and republish the map. For more information, refer to the following web help document, ArcGIS Help: Tips and best practices for map caches.
  • Monitor the cache completion status. For more information about monitoring cache completion status, refer to the following web help document, ArcGIS for Server: Viewing cache completion status. Search for the problematic file, access the cache folder through Windows Explorer, and delete the problematic files.
  • If upgrading ArcGIS, re-create the cache.

Article ID:000012861

  • ArcGIS Server

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