The help on the ESRI StreetMap Premium North America NAVTEQ DVD contains incorrect information for DISP_CLASS zoom levels 1 and 2 for the following layers:
· Land Use Features A (landusea.sdc)
· Major Waterway Polygons (mwaterp.sdc)
· Oceans (oceans.sdc)
· Waterway Polygons (waterp.sdc)
This is a documentation error.
Solution or Workaround
The correct text for DISP_CLASS zoom levels 1 and 2 should read as follows:
1–Oceans, Bay/Harbors touching Oceans or touching Rivers; Rivers and Canals displayed at world overview maps at an approximate scale of 1:50,000,000; and Lakes and Parks in Water (Canada 200,000,000+ square meters; U.S. 100,000,000+ square meters)
2–Bay/Harbors touching Rivers; Rivers and Canals displayed on commercial maps at an approximate scale of 1:25,000,000; and Lakes and Parks in Water (Canada 50,000,000+ to 200,000,000 square meters; U.S. 10,000,000+ to 100,000,000 square meters)