When attempting to create a survey in the ArcGIS Survey123 website, the following error message is returned:
Error: You don’t have access to this feature. Required privileges: publish hosted feature layers, create new item.
The error occurs when an expired ArcGIS Online organizational trial account is used to create the survey. The trial account automatically converts to a public account when the trial period expires. It is important to note that My Esri and ArcGIS Online do not use the same account and are not interlinked. Refer to Esri Community: What is the difference between My Esri and ArcGIS accounts? for more information.
To create a survey in ArcGIS Survey123, an organizational account with an ArcGIS Online subscription is required. Activate the subscription, create an organizational account, and sign in to the ArcGIS Survey123 website. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Activate subscription and ArcGIS Online: Create an organizational account for more information.
Article ID: 000022165
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