When attempting to authorize ArcGIS Server, the Software Authorization Wizard processes the authorization successfully, but returns the error message:
Error: Unspecified error no valid feature found in the received authorization data.
The ArcGIS Server service account does not have read and write permissions for the ArcGIS Server installation directory.
Provide the ArcGIS Server Windows service account with full control permissions to access the ArcGIS Server installation directory, and reauthorize the software. The default location of the ArcGIS Server installation directory is:
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server
For more information on how to set permissions, refer to: Error: The ArcGIS Server is not able to connect to the specified directory
Re-apply ownership of the ArcGIS Server directories and contents for the installation owner account using the following commands (example screenshot below).
cd <ArcGIS_installation_directory> chmod 700 server -R chown -R <ArcGIS Server installation username>: server
It has also been mentioned that re-creating the target directory for the keycodes file C:\ProgramFiles\ESRI\LicenseX.X\sysgen and granting full control to all users has resolved the issue.
Article ID: 000023647
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