Unable to use the WebGIS DR tool. The current version of the WebGIS DR tool is 10.6.1, and the current version of Portal for ArcGIS is . Please use the Web GIS DR tool included in the tools directory of the install directory

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When running the WebGIS DR tool from the command line through the Portal for ArcGIS administrator endpoint, the following error is returned:

Unable to use the WebGIS DR tool. The current version of the WebGIS DR tool is 10.6.1, and the current version of Portal for ArcGIS is . Please use the Web GIS DR tool included in the tools directory of the install directory for Portal for ArcGIS


This issue occurs if the credentials used to run the tool are insufficient. To run WebGIS DR, Level 2 user credentials must be included in the file along with the Portal URL. The credentials must be able to access the Portal administrator endpoint before running the tool.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve this issue, ensure the user is assigned Level 2 credentials to the Esri-defined Administrator role. Test if the credentials are sufficient by accessing Portal for ArcGIS through the administrator REST endpoint.

For more information on permission levels, refer to Portal for ArcGIS: User types, roles, and privileges.

Article ID: 000021360

  • Portal for ArcGIS

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