Attempts to print using the ArcGIS Server printing tools utility in a federated Portal/Server fails for standard users, returning the following error message:
Error: Unable to check permission on resource utilities/printingtools.gpserver. Failed to return the service configuration.
Additionally, on the server machine the following error message is returned:
Error: Item does not exist or is inaccessible.
Further attempts to diagnose the issue via ArcGIS Server Manager indicate: "This service is owned by another user. The sharing properties can only be modified by the owner.".
These errors do not occur if the user is an administrator.
After federation, several items are automatically created by default in the 'My Content' folder of Portal for ArcGIS. These items are created based on all of the ArcGIS Server services in the System folder and Utilities folder.
The item IDs of these items are listed in the JSON of the service and are therefore linked. This allows items in Portal to be shared, and also to control the sharing of the services. In this case, the sharing of the print service.
If an item is deleted, the link is broken between Portal and the JSON. This causes the print service to fail, returning the error.
The following workaround describes recreating the printing tools item and associating it with the service:
Article ID: 000017531
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