When configuring ArcGIS Maps for SharePoint, initializing the geotags term set for site collection fails, returning the following error message:
Error: The geotags term set for this site collection cannot be created because of the following reason: Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource..
The user configuring ArcGIS Maps for SharePoint is not a term store admin for the organization's Microsoft SharePoint site.
To successfully configure and deploy ArcGIS Maps for SharePoint, a user must be assigned a term store admin role for the Microsoft SharePoint site. To assign this role, follow the steps listed below.
Note: The following steps can only be performed by the organization's Microsoft 365 global admin, or a Microsoft SharePoint admin. For more information on these roles, refer to Microsoft: About the SharePoint admin role in Microsoft 365 .
The term store admin can configure ArcGIS Maps, and initialize the geotags term set.
Article ID: 000024191
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