After validating ArcGIS Data Store, an exclamation mark appears and, the following error is returned in the ArcGIS Server logs:
Error: The connection property set was missing a required property or the property value was unrecognized. Bad Log in user Datastore validation Fails after upgrade to 10.x.On ArcGIS Data Store, the following error is returned:
Error: Type=warning, code =”110787” source “Data Store” process = “21232” thread = “1” methodName = “” machine “x" user= “” elapse = “” requestID = “” > Failed to create index on ‘{0}’ org.postgres.util.PSQLException: FATAL : no pg_hba.config entry for host “”, user “hsu_tf4q2”, database “db_46pwc”, SSL off </msge>
ArcGIS Server is configured using a domain name service (DNS) name instead of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: Domain name service and fully qualified domain name requirements for more information.
cd Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore\tools
unregisterdatastore.bat –stores relational –prompt yes
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