The code execution cannot proceed because mfc140u.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem

Last Published: October 6, 2021

Error Message

Attempting to launch ArcMap fails with the following error message returned:

The code execution cannot proceed because mfc140u.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
The error message returned when attempting to open ArcMap


The mfc140u.dll file is corrupt or missing due to improper installation.

Solution or Workaround

Use one of the following methods to resolve this issue:

Uninstall ArcMap and reinstall it

  1. Uninstall ArcMap. Refer to ArcMap: Uninstalling ArcGIS Desktop for steps to do so.
  2. Install ArcMap. Refer to ArcMap: How to prepare to install ArcGIS Desktop for steps to do so.

Repair ArcMap

  1. Navigate to Windows Start Menu > Control Panel > Programs, and click Programs and Features.
  2. Right-click ArcGIS 10.x for Desktop and click Uninstall/Change.
  3. In the ArcGIS 10.x for Desktop Setup window, click Repair.
  4. Click Next.
The Repair option in ArcMap
  1. Click Install.
  2. After the repair process is complete, click Finish.
  3. Launch ArcMap.

Install the latest Visual C++ Redistributable

Download and install the latest Visual C++ Redistributable from Microsoft. Restart the machine once the installation is complete.

Article ID: 000026203

  • ArcMap 10 6
  • ArcMap 10 7
  • ArcMap 10 8

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