Runtime error detected on one or more operation on the configuration store, with message:'{0}'. . Extended error message: Failed to get file permission

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

In some instances, after installing or upgrading ArcGIS Data Store, and creating a data store with the Data Store Configuration wizard, the following error message is returned:

"Runtime error detected in one or more operation on the configuration store, with message:'{0}'
. . Extended error message Failed to get file permission".
Error message: Runtime error detected in one or more operation on the configuration store



There are two known causes:

No permission to the content directory
The ArcGIS Data Store does not have permission to the content directory. This error is also caused by a corrupted content directory created during the installation of ArcGIS Data Store.

Name of the data store file directory is truncated
An ArcGIS Data Store directory name that is more than 15 characters is truncated. The Data Store Configuration wizard is unable to locate the directory.

Solution or Workaround

Use one of the following solutions to resolve the issue, depending on the cause:

No permission to the content directory
Ensure that the upgraded ArcGIS Data Store account has the proper permissions to access the content directory, especially when upgrading ArcGIS Data Store to 10.4 or later, which requires a Windows account to have full control of the content directory. For more information on required permissions, refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Troubleshoot ArcGIS Data Store.

Alternatively, if this error occurs when permission is granted on the content directory, re-create the content directory.

To re-create the content directory, rename the current content directory to a name other than its default name. For example, renaming c:\arcgis\arcgisdatatore to c:\arcgis\arcgisdatastore_old. Run the Data Store Configuration wizard to create a new content directory (named as c:\arcgis\arcgisdatastore). 

Name of the data store file directory is truncated
Use a directory name that is less than 15 characters.

Article ID: 000019298

  • ArcGIS Data Store

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