"Please Install the latest update of AutoCAD Plant 3D to work with Collaboration for AutoCAD Plant 3D" when using ArcGIS for AutoCAD with AutoCAD Plant 3D

Last Published: March 19, 2022

Error Message

When using ArcGIS for AutoCAD with AutoCAD Plant 3D Collaboration projects, the process presents an error if ArcGIS for AutoCAD is installed:

"Please Install the latest update of AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022 to work with Collaboration for AutoCAD Plant 3D".


ArcGIS for AutoCAD and AutoCAD Plant 3D both use the same dependency, Newtonsoft's Json.NET. Collisions occur when one of the programs tries to use Newtonsoft's Json.NET. Only one version of a dependency may be present to ensure no collisions occur.

The following steps are an example of the workflow that returns the error:

  1. With ArcGIS for AutoCAD installed, open AutoCAD Plant 3D.
  2. Open the AutoCAD Plant 3D Project Manager.
  3. Select the option to Open Collaboration Project.
  4. The error is returned.

Solution or Workaround

Remove the copy of Newtonsoft's JSON.Net from the ArcGIS for AutoCAD Install directory:

This procedure requires administrator access.
  1. Navigate to the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\ArcGISForAutoCAD.Bundle\Contents
  1. Locate the Newtonsoft.Json.dll.
  2. Delete the file,

Article ID:000027365

  • ArcGIS for AutoCAD 410
  • ArcGIS for AutoCAD 400

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