Parameter is missing or invalid

Last Published: December 9, 2021

Error Message

When attempting to run the Create Enterprise Geodatabase or Enable Enterprise Geodatabase tool in ArcGIS Pro, the following error message is returned:

Parameter is missing or invalid.


If all input parameters are filled out correctly but the error persists, it may be because the tool does not recognize the current authorization file (keycodes.ecp) used or the file is invalid.

Solution or Workaround

Regenerate the authorization file using the Software Authorization Wizard. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Software Authorization Wizard (SoftwareAuthorization.exe) in the following folder path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcGIS\bin
  1. In the Software Authorization Wizard window, under Authorization Options, select I have installed my software and need to authorize it.
  2. Under Product to be Authorized, select ArcGIS Server.
  3. Under Authorization Method, select Authorize with Esri now using the Internet.
  4. Fill in the necessary information, and click Next.
  5. Fill in the organization information, and click Next.
  6. For the Software Authorization number of ArcGIS for Server, enter the ECP number received from the ArcGIS for Server Enterprise Authorization information on My Esri.
  7. Under Options, select I do not want to authorize any extensions at this time, and click Next.
  8. Do not check any boxes, and click Next.
  9. Once complete, check the keycodes file generated in the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Esri\License10.x\sysgen
  1. Create a copy of the file, and append the .ecp extension to the file name. The icon is changed to a picture of a key for the ECP copy-protection file format. Use the file to reauthorize the database.

Article ID: 000019028

  • ArcGIS Pro

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