Machine: <gisserver>.<domain>.com [<database connection name>: (null)]

Last Published: October 28, 2020

Error Message

Attempting to register a database with ArcGIS Server returns the following error:

Machine: <gisserver>.<domain>.com [<database connection name>: (null)]
Image of the error message


  • ArcGIS Server is not authorized with an Advanced license.
  • ArcGIS Server fails to recognize the licenses used.

Solution or Workaround

  1. Rename the keycodes folder in the following directory to keycodes_old.
C:\Program Files\ ESRI\License 10.x\sysgen
Licences to other Esri products are stored in the keycodes folder. Renaming the folder may affect other Esri products, and reauthorizing them may be necessary.
  1. Reauthorize ArcGIS Server with an Advanced license. Refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: Authorizing ArcGIS Server for steps to do this.
  2. Restart the ArcGIS Server services.
    1. On the machine, right-click the Windows taskbar, and click Task Manager to open Windows Task Manager.
    2. On the Services tab, right-click ArcGIS Server, and click Restart.
  3. Reregister the database connection. Refer to ArcGIS Server: Register a database for steps to do this.

Article ID:000013521

  • ArcGIS Server

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