Error Message
Attempting to register a database with ArcGIS Server returns the following error:
Machine: <gisserver>.<domain>.com [<database connection name>: (null)]
- ArcGIS Server is not authorized with an Advanced license.
- ArcGIS Server fails to recognize the licenses used.
Solution or Workaround
- Rename the keycodes folder in the following directory to keycodes_old.
C:\Program Files\ ESRI\License 10.x\sysgen
Licences to other Esri products are stored in the keycodes folder. Renaming the folder may affect other Esri products, and reauthorizing them may be necessary.
- Reauthorize ArcGIS Server with an Advanced license. Refer to ArcGIS Enterprise: Authorizing ArcGIS Server for steps to do this.
- Restart the ArcGIS Server services.
- On the machine, right-click the Windows taskbar, and click Task Manager to open Windows Task Manager.
- On the Services tab, right-click ArcGIS Server, and click Restart.
- Reregister the database connection. Refer to ArcGIS Server: Register a database for steps to do this.