Using the pulldata() function to obtain data from a CSV file for a geopoint question loads successfully in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect. However, the following error is returned in the ArcGIS Survey123 web form:
Error: Initialing Form... Failed to load data from (data source)
The latitude and longitude columns in the CSV are not formatted correctly. The pulldata() function can only calculate the location data if the latitude and longitude data are in separate columns.
To resolve this error when using existing data to create the survey, use the correct formatting method as described below.
Note: Before creating a new survey, it is best practice to determine the correct formatting for the data.
pulldata('Intersections', 'Lat', 'IntersectionID', ${intersection})
pulldata('Intersections', 'Long', 'IntersectionID', ${intersection})
concat(number(${lat}),' ', number(${lon}))
${name assigned in the calculate question for concatenation}
Article ID: 000020774
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