Failed to generate token for Portal for ArcGIS. Verify that the credentials you entered are correct

Last Published: May 22, 2024

Error Message

Attempts to run the webgisdr utility to create an ArcGIS Enterprise backup fail, with the following error message returned:

Failed to generate token for Portal for ArcGIS. Verify that the credentials you entered are correct.


The portal's hostname configuration (.json) file is not configured using a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). This makes Portal for ArcGIS unable to identify the License Manager over the network despite using a valid URL to log in.

In some environments, if the hostname in the portal configuration file is not defined with a FQDN recognizable by the license server, Portal for ArcGIS cannot connect to the license manager to verify licensing

Solution or Workaround

On the ArcGIS Server machine, set the machine name to a FQDN in the file to accurately identify the machine.

Create a backup of the file before editing, as incorrect changes will affect the portal configurations.
  1. Navigate to the following directory and open the file on the host machine.
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\framework\etc
  1. Search for and edit the property in the file, as shown below.<FQDN>
  1. Click the File tab, select Save from the drop-down, and close the file.
  2. On the Portal for ArcGIS machine, restart the Portal for ArcGIS service in Task Manager.
    1. Right-click the Windows taskbar at the bottom of the window.
    2. Select Task Manager from the drop-down.
    3. In the Task Manager dialog box, click the Services tab, right-click the Portal for ArcGIS service and select Restart from the drop-down.
  3. Navigate to ArcGIS Portal Administrator Directory using the following URL:
  1. Navigate to Machines > Machine Name, and verify the hostname is using a FQDN.

Article ID: 000027940

  • Portal for ArcGIS

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