Failed to create <feature class name>. Value doesn't fall within Domain: <domain name>

Last Published: June 6, 2024

Error Message

In ArcGIS Pro, attempting to create a new feature fails and returns the following error message:

Failed to create <feature class name>.
Value doesn't fall within Domain: <domain name>
The error message.


The selected feature class has fields with assigned attribute domains. When creating features that are part of attribute domains, if no null value or attribute value is assigned beforehand, this leads to missing symbology attribute values. Attribute domains are rules that describe the available values of a field type and limit that can be placed on a field; therefore, creating features that are part of attribute domains requires an assigned value to ensure data integrity.

Solution or Workaround

Perform one of the workarounds provided below before creating a new feature to resolve the error.

Set a default domain value for the feature class field

  1. Open the project with the feature layer in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. In the Contents pane, right-click the feature layer and select Data Design > Fields.
The Fields option in the Data Design selection.
  1. In the fields view, in the Default column, double-click in the Default value cell, and select a default value for the domain. In this example, the default value is set to 'Not delivered'.
The domain values in the Domain value cell.
  1. On the top ribbon, click the Fields tab.
The Fields tab at the top ribbon.
  1. On the Fields tab, in the Changes group, click Save to save the changes.
The Save option in the Changes group.

Assign a null value to the attributes field

  1. Open the project with the feature layer in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. In the Contents pane, right-click the feature layer and select Data Design > Fields to open the fields view.
The Fields option in the Data Design selection.
  1. In the fields view, check the Allow NULL check box.
The Allow NULL check box in the fields view.
  1. On the top ribbon, click the Fields tab.
The Fields tab at the top ribbon.
  1. On the Fields tab, in the Changes group, click Save to save the changes.
The Save option in the Changes group.

Assign an attribute value in the Active Template pane

  1. Open the project with the feature layer in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. On the top ribbon, click the Edit tab.
  3. On the Edit tab, in the Features group, click Create to open the Create Features pane.
The Edit tab, and the Create button in the Features group.
  1. In the Create Features pane, select the feature class and click Active Template to open the Active Template pane. In this example, the feature class is 'DroppointsParcel'.
The Active template button in the Create Features pane.
  1. In the Active Template pane, select the attribute value from the domain drop-down list to apply to the feature.
The attribute values in the Active Template pane.

Turn attribute validation off

Turn attribute validation off to override the validation criteria imposed on the field. Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Turn attribute validation on or off for instructions.

Turning attribute validation off and creating a new feature results in a blank (text data type) or '0' (numeric data type) field value.

Article ID:000031397

  • ArcGIS Pro 3 0
  • ArcGIS Pro 3 1

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