ArcGIS GeoEvent Server can utilize the RabbitMQ platform service to operate and in some cases, attempts to deploy ArcGIS GeoEvent Server under the platform fail and return the following error:
Error: Failed to create connection cxn-<number> java.netConnectException
Possible scenarios in which the error can be returned include:
There are known issues between the RabbitMQ platform and ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, including the generic cxn.** error.
To successfully deploy ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, ensure the ArcSOC processes are running in Windows Task Manager. If the rabbitmq.conf file is missing, complete the following steps to resolve the issue:
C:/Users/<run-as user>/AppData/Roaming/RabbitMQ
Note: The AppData folder is a hidden folder.
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\rabbitmq\etc\RabbitMQ
Article ID: 000021959
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