Attempting to run the Web GIS Disaster Recovery (WebGISDR) backup client fails and returns the following error message:
Error: Failed to back up the ArcGIS Server: Url: <URL_Path>. {"code":500,"messages":[Export operation failed. Error performing inpage operation"],"status":"error":}
The "Error performing inpage operation" error message indicates an issue with the storage device or file system. This error can arise from several potential root causes, including corrupted system files, a faulty hard drive, or file system errors.
In a multiple-machine deployment, the log files can be used to identify which machine is generating the error.
chkdsk C: /r
chkdsk D: /f
chkdsk D: /r
Restart the machine that hosts the main ArcGIS Server site. Refer to Microsoft: Restart (reboot) your PC for instructions.
Article ID: 000033184
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