Failed to back up the ArcGIS Server: Error performing inpage operation

Last Published: September 10, 2024

Error Message

Attempting to run the Web GIS Disaster Recovery (WebGISDR) backup client fails and returns the following error message:

Failed to back up the ArcGIS Server:
Url: <URL_Path>.
{"code":500,"messages":[Export operation failed. Error performing inpage operation"],"status":"error":}
The Failed to back up the ArcGIS Server error message


The "Error performing inpage operation" error message indicates an issue with the storage device or file system. This error can arise from several potential root causes, including corrupted system files, a faulty hard drive, or file system errors.

In a multiple-machine deployment, the log files can be used to identify which machine is generating the error.

Solution or Workaround

Run CHKDSK (Check Disk) from the Windows Command Prompt

  1. Run the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.
    1. In the Windows search bar, type command prompt, right-click Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator. If prompted, click Yes in the User Account Control window.
  2. In the Administrator: Command Prompt window, run the following command to perform the CHKDSK operation on the default C:\ drive.
  1. If the command returns any errors, run the following command to repair any errors or corrupted files.
chkdsk C: /r
  1. If another drive is present on the machine other than the default C:\ drive with ArcGIS Enterprise dependencies, run the following command to perform the CHKDSK operation on the other drive. In this example, the D:\ drive is selected.
chkdsk D: /f
  1. If the subsequent drives returns an error, run the following command to repair the errors or corrupted files.
chkdsk D: /r

Restart the machine hosting ArcGIS Server

Restart the machine that hosts the main ArcGIS Server site. Refer to Microsoft: Restart (reboot) your PC for instructions.

Article ID: 000033184

  • ArcGIS Data Store
  • ArcGIS Server
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 1
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 3
  • ArcGIS Enterprise 11 2

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