ESRIRegistrationMgr: <TimeStamp>: Fatal error: Could not load ArcGISVersion

Last Published: April 26, 2021

Error Message

In some instances, when installing ArcGIS Desktop on a local machine using Microsoft Windows as the operating system, the installation fails, returning the following error message:

ESRIRegistrationMgr: <TimeStamp>: Fatal error: Could not load ArcGISVersion
The installation page of the ArcGIS Desktop version fails, returns the error: ESRIRegistrationMgr: <TimeStamp>: Fatal error: Could not load ArcGISVersion


The Windows Universal C Runtime (CRT) required for the installer is not available on the machine, and is not updated automatically in Windows Update.

Solution or Workaround

To resolve the error, refer to Microsoft Support: Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows to install the CRT update on the machine. Once the update is installed, proceed with the installation and authorization of ArcGIS Desktop on the machine by referring to ArcMap: Installing ArcGIS Desktop on your computer and ArcMap: Authorizing ArcGIS single use products and features.

Article ID: 000018065

  • ArcMap

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