Error sending message to Kafka destination

Last Published: December 27, 2021

Error Message

In some instances, after launching ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, the services are unable to receive the event data, and the following error message is returned in the ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager log page:

Error sending message to Kafka destination
The error message returned in the GeoEvent Manager log page


The Kafka connectors are improperly configured, or are detached from the services.

Solution or Workaround

The information below includes making changes to essential parts of the operating system. Esri recommends performing a backup of the operating system and files, including the registry, before proceeding.

Esri cannot guarantee results from incorrect modifications while following these instructions. Exercise caution. Consult a qualified computer systems professional if necessary.

To resolve the error, restart the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server machine. Refer to this document, GeoEvent Server: Service startup, for more information.

If the issue persists, perform an administrative reset of the GeoEvent Server. Refer to the 'Administratively Reset GeoEvent Server' section of the this blog, ArcGIS Blog: HowTo - Administratively Reset GeoEvent Server (10.5.x / 10.6.x), for steps and more information.

Article ID:000026679

  • ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

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