Error 01887: Failed to create couchdb database

Last Published: June 2, 2022

Error Message

When attempting to publish a hosted scene layer in a multi-machine setup, the following messages may appear in the server logs:

Error 01887: Failed to create couchdb database


Failed to create couchdb database, server took too long to respond.


The cause is likely due to connection issues between the ArcGIS Data Store machine and the ArcGIS Server machine, specifically ports 29080 and 29081. These the ports are the ones used to communicate between ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Data Store. The tile cache may still report healthy status when validating in ArcGIS Server or while running the 'describedatastore.bat' file.

Solution or Workaround

Check if the tile cache can be reached through ports 29080 or 29081. There are many ways to check this. The easiest is to open a browser on the ArcGIS Server machine and try to access the couchdb manager page. It is an interactive page used to access the couchdb. The URL to enter is:




If these cannot be reached, there is something likely blocking traffic.

Alternatively, if the publishing tool cannot connect to the tile cache data store, refer to Portal for ArcGIS: Publishers receive Error 001887: Failed to create couchdb database when publishing a hosted scene layer. to resolve the issue.

Article ID:000024895

  • ArcGIS Data Store
  • ArcGIS Server

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